Believe in yourself.
A simple quote but powerful. This quote hits me because I’m a pessimistic person. I know it is a bad habit, but sometimes I feel pessimist because I’m tired. Moreover, I think I look at people’s achievements instead of mine. Sometimes, I forget my little achievement and think that I am stupid.
For 23 years, I’ve been living in this world and thinking that I was stupid.
“Hey, look to yourself! You’re stupid and dumb! You do not have any strength,”
It has been happening for 23 years, and I always seek people’s achievements. Afterwards, I feel insecure and overthinking every day. Some stories I shared before in the medium are telling myself in the past. I’m blessed that I passed the phases. I did not believe in myself because I felt God did me. Now, to this day, I realize if God loves me. Although sometimes I’m disappointed because He is not bringing my dream into reality since high school.
Me: “I wanted to continue studying in Stetsa, even though I just studied as I wanted to learn,”
God: “No, you did not continue to Stetsa,”
Me: “Why?”
God: “You just needed to wait to know the answer,”
Now, I know the reason. God chose Smariheksa because He wanted me to learn about society and be friendly to everyone even though some people bullied me, but it’s okay. Nevertheless, sometimes I was unhappy in my senior high school because some people bullied me, and I found a good friend too. In Stetsa, you would meet people who bullied you in elementary school. It’s okay, I already forgive them, but I will never forget what they did to me.
Another some wishes that I prayed for was:
Me: “I wanted to continue studying at Brawijaya University in English Literature or Communication,”
God: “No, you did not,”
Me: “Why?”
God: “You would know the answer later,”
Unpopular opinion: At the time of SBMPTN in 2017, I decided to choose UM in English Literature because I realized if I chose all majors at Brawijaya University, the chance to accept into the university via SBMPTN was hard. Moreover, instead of choosing all majors at Brawijaya University, I chose UM, but God’s Hand was magic. He chose UIN Malang through my carelessness. I thought that I chose UM but when I checked at home, that day I realized that I chose UIN. Furthermore, there was no time to register SBMPTN again.
Nowadays, I know the reason because God wanted me to learn more about Islam, be moderate, and learn about society. Sometimes I’m blessed that I did not meet someone who bullied me in the past in the same major. Until today, she keeps underestimating me. I think she is still the same.
Some wishes I prayed for, which were never brought into reality, are good, although I sometimes feel disappointed. Nonetheless, I’m still believing in God and believing in myself if I can through these, and now I can through all and already graduated from my university.
Sometimes I do not believe in myself if I can do it but I’m still attempting the opportunity that I got. Moreover, I’m still looking for a good opportunity. I know we have to find the opportunities, but it takes time and also a tortuous path. I know it is hard and sometimes I feel pessimists, but I believe in myself if I can through this.
Being successful takes time.
You just need to believe in yourself.
Upgrading yourself to be a better person.
You have to believe that you can realize your dream.
I know I can realize my dream now.It’s okay if I feel tired.
It’s okay Sometimes I just need to take a break for a while.
I do not need to chase my dreams.
Malang 04:50 PM