If they want to be with you, they will.

5 min readDec 30, 2022


Have you ever hear this quote?

“Although they are busy with their activities, if they want to make time for you, they will make time for you,”

Dương Hữu on Unsplash

The quote is accurate, and I proved it. I have many experiences with that. My understanding is not only about love relationships but also friendship and family. For example, you decide to start a relationship with them and make an appointment with your friends, family, or partner.

Moreover, from these relationships. Implicitly, I realize that we do not beg someone. If we beg someone, it will not be good for us in the future. On the other hand, we don’t have to set high expectations for someone. Even though it is hard, we always expect people to be like us. It’s hard, but I recognize that people will not care about us one day.

It began with someone that made them for us. When they are busy, they will make an appointment for us when they are free.

I have friends, and it began with one semester at the university as a student. When I graduated from my university, she came to Malang for my graduation. Furthermore, she worked overtime in her office. Also, another friend came from Gresik to welcome me on my graduation day. She made time for me after she worked overtime that day, and one of my friends came from Gresik and stayed in Malang for three days. It was for only three hours, but it was a good time and the best day of my life.

Three hours was not enough for us, especially in one day. It was still not enough for us. Time flies so fast, and I like the moment with them because we have many topics to discuss. I missed the moment with them. If they want to make time with you, you are one of their priorities in their life. Furthermore, if they want to do it with you, they will.

Now, I believe in this sentence:

“Nobody is busy in this world. If they say busy; they don’t want to make time with you also, you are not the priority for them,”

On the other hand, I have another experience with this. My friends wanted to meet up with me. She is busy and also me. In the end, we met on Friday. It was merely two hours, but it meant a lot to her.

Once in a while, we will find a new thing when we make time with someone. Although she was quiet— it might be she felt better than before. From making time with her, it turns out that meeting with a favorite person will make us happier, refresh our minds, and escape from our reality, which makes us tired.

Making time for someone might help someone. They will feel better and feel calm because we accompany them. Implicitly, it will make them happy because of friendship. Generally, for some people, friendship is valued by them. It is one of the reasons I like friendship. Foremost with my friend because when we meet someplace, we can use the time with the maximum number of people who take time with us.

The people who value our time quality definitely will make time for you. Time is precious for people who care about us. On the contrary, sometimes we waste time to think people who do not care about us — even if they believe that we do not live in this universe, although it is hard.

Afterward, some people want to avoid seeing your presence. When we have a relationship with them, we want to meet with them, but they cannot. He said he was busy, but you saw his story about meeting another person. If they want to avoid meeting with you, they will give you some reason that might be analogical for us in this era. They might tell you to stay away from them implicitly.

Source: Martin Dörsch on Unsplash.

At one time, I attempted to approach someone. When I texted him, there were some reasons why he did not want to meet up with me in Malang. He said that he rarely takes his phone. I never believe the cause because when someone is busy, if they want to text you, they will. The reality, he replied to my message three days ago, whereas he replied to his friends at the one time and quickly.

Nevertheless, I saw my friend make a WhatsApp story to show that he replied to a message to my friend. At the same time, he said that he was busy, but he replied with a story to my friend. At first time I thought I might be unique to him, but the reality was not. He wanted to refrain from me. One year later, I realized that he did not like me. He just took advantage of me because he needs better time management.

Second, he never made an offering for me when he had an event or went somewhere with his friends. If I were his good friend, I thought, he would offer me to go somewhere. The reality was not I was not a good friend to him. I do not need to beg him. If he wants to be with me, he will give me an offer. Moreover, he did not want to begin a relationship with me. He wants to be neither a good friend nor a close friend.

If they do not want to make time with you, they don’t. It is the scariest way to set yourself apart from them until you realize they manipulate you. Some people think being manipulative is a good decision for them. Implicitly, they do not feel comfortable with us. They made it with mixed feelings. We only realize once we become to be people pleasers. Moreover, they will do another manipulative thing.

He knows. So, he will make any reason that is not logical for you.

“Don’t go away from me; let me keep our friendship forever, as always.”

In addition, they have a chance to hurt you more. They know if I don’t have any boundaries with someone. Therefore, he could hurt people. He is begging someone to stay with us, representing that we do not have boundaries.

In the past, I never realized the boundaries. Afterward, I avoided some interactions with him, and I made a boundary; they did not bother me again. I accepted that he wanted to be my friend, but I made a boundary. I told him to get away from me implicitly.

You don’t have to beg if he does not want to be with you.
If he does not want to be with you, he does not.
Although there are many reasons, if he does not want to be with you, he will not.

From my experience that I had, I realized that boundaries are important. I’m not too often texting someone every day. Moreover, I also want to let him go implicitly. Sometimes I satirized him because I was disappointed with him.

He does not want to live with you forever. He just wants to take advantage of you. If he wants to be with you, he will make time for you and you can accept him as himself.




Written by Asrita

a person who loves to write and read a book sometimes | book review on Instagram: @asrita.hs

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