Is Self-Development Content Creator Giving a Good Impact on People?
Nowadays, some people create self-development accounts on social media. They share how to develop themselves and present how to grow daily. Most of them show by reading a book and sharing tips that might be insightful for everyone. Despite this, they are also sharing their love stories and how to be a successful person. Nevertheless, most tips are suitable for everyone, but when they give tips on getting a partner is old for this era and seems derogatory to women and men.
Some people start to develop themselves because they seek inspiration to be better people. Either may imitate their idol habit and mindset without filtering those habits and mindsets are good or bad. Other things that might be no one knows because some people misunderstand them. Then, they are looking for self-development. Self-development is worth it because it is the way to invest in yourself, build self-confidence, and acquire knowledge. Moreover, it expands knowledge and skills and gets a new network for the future.
It is one of the good impacts of the self-development creator in TikTok because they teach how to build good habits. Most Indonesians (not all) are likely to watch short videos instead of reading a book (also me, but I’m balanced to read and watch the video). From the videos, they know that education is important and a more important investment in a career because education is not only about investment but also investment in your growth, awareness, and identity.
However, when they are talking about how to find your true partner, mainly they are using old tips which are already outdated, and I’m thinking, “really? You should do these sh*t?” Some of the recommendations were outdated. Moreover, they think they are not outdated but use feminine and masculine energy (I don’t know where the trend began, but I thought it was from TikTok). Furthermore, they said that if you use masculine energy, the man will treat you as a person in the second class and offend you. Wow is a funny thought. I don’t want to explain feminine or masculine energy, but I want to examine its freak-out to tell how to find your partner.
Furthermore, they explain about a partner in life obviously creates a weird standard and makes everyone confused and also changes themselves. Implicitly, this standard will make people confused especially women. Hence, I was confused about how to find a partner when I was falling in love with someone and admired that I liked him without following any standards but why did they make a standard? It is bullshit things that I ever find on social media.
In contrast, write access recommend that we have to stay focused on one single issue. Example explained how to build a good habit and consistency every day, but the netizen asked the creator about how to find a partner. Meanwhile, the creator said, ‘I would rarely upload about my private life because I’m here to educate all of you,’. Write access explained we have to stay in one issue/article or some video. When it goes viral, they create content that is related to love. Moreover, self-development is not only about love. It is the one that must notice by the content creator. Although you have already improved yourself, you do not have to share how to find a good partner because human is complex and different.
In addition, when they are sharing how to find a good partner is really weird. One example is
1. Slow respond to a message
2. Act like a queen
3. Never chase someone
4. Holding someone.
They said, if we are doing those recommendations (whereas it is not recommended), you will find your partner. When someone said like this, I’m just thinking that it is outdated. You need to be straightforward when you have a crush on someone. They would understand about code or those that they do not relate to. It’s okay if the result is succeeded but not all people can use these strategies. On the contrary, men will know the types of women or man that she is worthy to date and be a partner or not.
Another case is when someone said:
“You do not have to first move to man, and they will underestimate yourself. It would make your self — esteem low because you are using masculine energy,”
Wait, how could you describe someone like this? If a man is interested in you, you will not have mixed feelings even though you are categorized as an alpha woman, etc. It was only you who found someone like him not all. The one quote that relates:
It doesn’t need to use feminine energy or masculine energy. When you found a man who misunderstands you and asks about your worth, he is not a good man. YOU DO NOT NEED TO RELATE WITH FEMININE ENERGY OR MASCULINE ENERGY.
Dear, self-development content creator (specifically in Indonesia) you just need to create self-development content. You don’t have to create how to find a partner. Implicitly the content that you create will be creating social standards based on media social and it is really useless. Moreover, please don’t say “you are not the market,”
Generally, our self-development creator is giving a good impact on us. The answer is not all but self-development content creator is giving a good impact on people for realizing that education is important and worthy for their life. Hence, it will inspire people to do the same things.