I feel a lack of everything, but time is always running.
I cannot stop it, yet I need to take rest for a while.
Someone asked me, “How could you feel tired and messy with your life?”
I answered the question.
“I feel drained with everything that I chased, and I was jealous of people’s achievements. Time is always running also, I should achieve the dream that already wished for myself,”
Everything ran quickly. Everyone focused on their dream. The world never sleeps.
He said. “You need to take a rest, don’t be sad, don’t be jealous, and everyone has their own time,”
Here, you need to know some points:
1. God already set your time to achieve your achievement because you know if the time is always running.
2. Everyone is good in their dream
3. Everyone succeeds in their own time and achieves their dream at the right time.
“I know you already do the best for yourself, don’t be sad”
— From someone who always cheers up myself in every up and down.