We are Human and We are the Same.

4 min readSep 17, 2022


source: freepik

Two days ago, I found one thing that made me realize that if we are the same and there are no differences among us. The thing that I learned is that we have the same things about insecurity. Everyone has their insecurity. A long time ago, I was envious and wondered if my friend did not have insecurity because their life seemed happy. They did not have any problem with that. Hence, they also had good memories for them also for me, I have a good memory too but not in my love story. The best memories in my life are when I was in university, there are a lot of good memories although some bad memories are because it was not the same but who cares I love my university life instead of my high school life.

I thought, “Why did I always make the same mistake?” Because I was not happier like them. My life was bad (until now I think it is better, but it is not good as people thought), and I do not have any good things that make me feel alive. In consideration of what happened before, I did not know about life. Nowadays, it is different after I discover that life is not about plenty of things that you have, but life is when you find your happiness. When you are focused on yourself, you would ask why you should keep yourself alive.

You should keep yourself alive.

You cannot die because of your insecurity. I realize that insecurity and overthinking will kill you slowly. In case your insecurity continues, your focus will be reduced solely to thinking about the reality that might not happen. So, rather than thinking of someone’s achievement. It is better to make your achievement. In addition, you should realize that there are many achievements that you achieve in your life. Next, you can find new things that you want to learn.

In the past, I was confused because I did not know the purpose of my life. I found my purpose when I wrote my thesis and discomposure after graduating from university. I was confused chose to continue my master’s study using LPDP or working as an employee. From my mixed feeling, I found that I should chase my dream and continue my master’s studies when I have a career that I dreamed of several years ago. It takes a time to find the purpose of my life. I have been passing some that were not recommended to choose but cannot to choose the phases.

source: pinterest

Discovering yourself, reduced your insecurity. You need to realize that you have many achievements that we achieve. Nonetheless, most of them forget about their achievement. How do you know your achievement? You need to write gratitude things and realize if you keep an alive is the biggest achievement. Afterward, by writing a gratitude journal I found my achievement. For some people, little things are not meaningful, they are just hoping for a big achievement in their life. Then, if you are just chasing a big achievement, it means you only need some validations that you are good and impressive because of your achievement and if failed, you would think that you have already failed. Whereas, when you are appreciating small progress and process and the result is a failure, you will realize that you are already growing to be a better person rather than one year ago.

We never know that people have their own insecurities. We need to focus on our personal life (source: visual_minimalist’s Instagram)

Now I realize that everyone has their own insecurity. Everyone has thinking about themselves because of their insecurity and overthinking. Moreover, no one cares about your insecurity because they are already focused on themselves and their insecurity. I know it is hard, but we can reduce our insecurity and overthink. Generally, if you are tired of looking human achievement, you just need to take a rest for a while.

The one quotes that I always remember as self-reminder

“Everyone has already set their own goal, if you do not have that experience, you must build your own experience. Build your dream and focus on yourself. Then, you will find your unique and achievement that makes you feel ‘I can do it, and no one can fight me”

In the end, we are human and equal.




Written by Asrita

a person who loves to write and read a book sometimes | book review on Instagram: @asrita.hs

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